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The Most Important Opening Line to Any Internet Lead or Any Lead for That Matter and How It is Delivered to Yield a Higher Success Rate

I often ask clients of mine this single question on our going live calls and that is, "If I handed you 25 qualified leads right now, what and how would you initiate contact with them?"

The answer nine out of ten times I get back is, usually after going silent or giving me a weird look, they tell me, "Well, I would call them of course and sell them."

Seems simple enough, get a lead, make a call, make a sale, right?


Here's why.

First off, with any lead you get, just because you have their information does not mean they have yours or any idea of who you are, even if they opted into your ad. Since they do not know who you are you are, I would be very quick to guess they do not have your number either, so what are the odds of them answering their phone, from a number they do not know, probably in the middle of the day while your potential client is busy, right?

Here is the best way to initiate contact with your leads that you get online or offline for that matter. 


AT&T came out with a statistic in 2017 stating that 99% of text messages get seen and 95% of those text messages get read.

Here is the thing. 

We are all busy and when we get phone calls, if we are distracted at all we do not answer the phone, and lets be honest, how often do people answer calls they do not know?

However when you text them the mere odds of them seeing what you wrote and giving you a chance to get their attention through what they read is much higher. 


Here is the one I use and personally see over an 85 percent response rate too.

"Hey (potential client name), I saw you were interested in (your product or service), what enticed you to reach out?"


Seriously, do not say anything else. Leaving them with this question will get them to open up right there in text, then the next question I go into is scheduling a call with them.

Getting leads is one thing, but leads do nothing for any business, however converting those leads into sales is what we are all after. 

Looking to generate high quality leads of potential clients  Click on the link below and schedule a time to talk with one of lead generation specialist about how to double your sales next month with a social media sales funnel for your business!


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