On this blogpost, see the pilot episode and new podcast The Fritz Group is producing, for the Better Leads Podcast. In the first episode we will discuss the types of posts to post online as well as times to post to generate the highest impressions (eyes on post) possible to generate high quality leads. When you are ready to gas on the fire and generate high quality leads from buyers looking to purchase what you got right now, then reach out to the Fritz Group to let us talk about adding this to your next digital marketing campaign by click the link below. calendly.com/sidney-clevinger
Why Using A Digital Calendar Scheduling Application Will Make You 2 More Sales in the Next 30 Days and Why You Should Get One Today!
Well, when is a good day for you? 2 minutes later, I am good pretty much anytime next week, you pick a time good for you. 2 minutes later, How about next Tuesday morning? 2 minutes later, Yea that works. 2 minutes later, Cool man, lets do 11am on Tuesday next week? 2 minutes later, Sounds good! The next 2 minutes, You add this call to your work calendar for Next Tuesday. 12 MINUTES LOST! All of us have had this happen while trying to schedule a time to talk with someone. It is just inevitable to happen in your work life. Even with virtual communication, it can still take normally 10 minutes or more to get a time scheduled on your calendar for a prospective client. I know 10 minutes might not sound like a lot but, but when multiplied by the amount of people you talk to and schedule meeting with a month, that 10 minutes can easily turn into a full day lost just scheduling meetings! YIKES! I, myself, would get caught in the same predicament often not ...